Hill District
Parking Attendant for William Penn Parking on Crawford St.
This is the happiest man I have ever met. No matter what, he always says hello and asks about my day. He even saves me parking spots closer to the entrance of the lot. This is James. He is my parking attendant. I would guess about a hundred people a day call him their parking attendant and they are lucky enough to experience his positive energy that shines from his happy soul before they trudge into work every morning.
"How long have you been working here?"
J: 8 years
"What did you do before this?"
J: I was an electronics engineer.
"No way, that's awesome!"
"What do you love most about the Hill District?"
J: The people - we become close, the community. Many of us lived together for over 30 years!
"What's a fun fact about yourself?"
J: I'm always happy!
"Yes! That is sooo true."
*Just as an FYI for those who don't live/know the different parts of Pittsburgh, the Hill District is infamous for it's low-income living accommodations and at times violence, but recently, the city has been investing in the business growth there, section 9 housing, and increased police awareness. Many of the people have lived there for decades and business used to boom and community was the most important. I look forward to seeing the Hill District rebuild itself in hopes of crushing its reputation as a dangerous part of the city. On a side note, I live borderline to the Hill District & Downtown and travel through for work everyday, so I do have personal interest in sincerely hoping it becomes a safer place *
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